Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Human Respiration System

Respiration is the process of converting nutrients into energy within our body cells. In normal condition this process needs oxygen.

Kind of respiration

This respiration needs oxygen to produce energy. The process of this respiration takes place in the mitochondria. our muscle cells have hundreds of mitochondria.

C6H12O6      CO2 + H2O + Energy

This respiration don’t need oxygen to happen.

C6H12O6   C3H6O3 + Energy

Respiration Organs

  • Nose, with nasal hair filters dust
  • Nasal Cavity, separated by partition and covered by a ciliated epithelium, and mucous membrane to trap dirt. And blood vessel to warm and moisten the air.
  • Pharynx warm, moisten, and filter air from nasal cavity
  • Glottis is protected by epiglottis, it closes when we swallow foods
  • Larynx is where our voice box located
  • Trachea is a tube like organ strengthened by ring like cartilages. It have ciliated cells, and mucous membrane to trap and push dirt to our mouth
  • Bronchus, a passage of airway that conducts air into the lung, bronchus is divided into smaller bronchioles
  • Lung is located above the diaphragm, in the lungs there are bronchioles which at the end of it theres alveoli. Alveoli is the place where the gas exchange happens.. there’s approximately 300 million of alveoli inside our lungs, and the total surface area is 80 square meter.

Breathing Mechanism

Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli. Oxygen enters the capillaries on the alveoli by difusion. Oxygen penetrates the thin wall of alveolus due to difference of gas concentration. Carbon Dioxide is also take outside by exhaling the gas.

Percentage of gasses inhaled and exhaled


 Before we inhale, the diaphragm muscles are curved up (relax), when we inhale the diaphragm contracts to flat position. This cause expansion of chest cavity, and force air to fill our lung. This is called abdominal respiration.

There’s also costal respiration, in costal respiration the costal muscles moves upand cause chest cavity.


When we exhale, the diaphragm and costal muscles are back into relax position. This will increase the air pressure inside our lungs and force the air out. The breath rate and depth of our breath are affected by our activities. If we do an energy consuming activities, breathing becomes faster and deeper.

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